Robert FaureSeal Robert faure Sumi-e painting has Indian ink
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Robert Faure's paintings at Rong Bao Zhai - Beijing

Exhibition of Robert FAURE  

Report on
the exhibition "the Spirit of the gesture" of Robert Faure
at the very famous
national Rong Bao Zhai Gallery  of Beijing


After 4 months of preparation and 2 trips to Beijing, the D day has arrived (21st may 2013)

The famous Rong Bao Zhai Gallery founded in 1672 exhibits 55 of my paintings in the large exhibition hall.

As the first western painter exhibited in this gallery, I have been much impressed because very famous Chinese artists such as Lu Xun, Guo Muruo, Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong had been exhibited in the past.

 Today, this institution occupies the first rank in China in the traditional painting and in the calligraphy.

Numerous official personalities from the world of the art, the press, radios and chinese and french TV were present at the opening ceremony and of course my wife Christiane who came especially for one week.

My friends were also present such as LI Xiang Hong, Qiu Ting, Wang Yi,  and the professor Han Jin Shan from the Academie of Fines Arts de Tianjin.

Thank you also to Mr Song, Director of the Exhibitions of the Gallery and to 2 of my students who came especially from France for this event.

During the week of the exhibition we have had 1000 visitors who have been very curious and impressed by my paintings. They were surprised that a western could paint in this style without speaking and writing Chinese.

Several of the painters I met have perceived that my style is a right balance between the traditional Chinese painting and the sensibility and the creativity of modern art.
The professor Han Jin Shan of the Academy of Fines Art of Tianjin told me that my paintings had included the principles of the Shuimo (such as the respect of the empty spaces, the rhythm of the lines, nuances of the ink and the movement in the composition). An appreciation that was spoken deep into my heart.

I appreciated very much the welcoming and quality atmosphere of the event, the encouragements of the visitors and painters. I notice that the way of this style of painting in black and white, even if it was difficult, was strongly estimated.

Now I have to ask for the translation of 3 books of chinese names of visitors and comments.

I am also very pleased to let you discover some photos of the event.

Robert Faure's paintings at Rong Bao Zhai - Beijing